Saturday, March 25, 2006


Today, we have had a deliciously lazy Saturday. This is a rare occurrence, so we're really enjoying it. We had a late night last night, so sleeping in was thoroughly enjoyed and after we woke up I started right in on breakfast.

A few years ago my father-in-law bought us a quesadilla maker that leaves little southwest pictures browned on the top and bottom: a saguaro, a boot, a guitar, a sun, maracas and a 10-gallon hat. We used it all of once and it's been sitting in our cupboard ever since. After reinspecting it last week I figured it would work similarly to a waffle maker and decided to give it a shot, using Isa's lemon-corn waffle recipe from Vegan with a Vengeance .

It worked out great! We had dozens of cute, little waffle wedges with the designs clearly made on each one. It was really fun to cut apart waffles with a pizza cutter. I made the suggested blueberry sauce to accompany them (so good!), and we also had good old maple syrup. On the side were some fresh hashbrowns and a serving of strawberry soy yogurt and fresh berries on top. And O.J., of course!

There's nothing better than breakfast with Isa. Mmmm....

2 yums up!

(The spell check on this thing is awful! It wanted to replace hashbrowns with antiperspirant [wtf?] and it always tries to replace Jim's name. What a joke!)

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